How To End That Toxic Friendship Once & For All, According To Experts (2024)



July 28, 2023

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

By Sarah Regan

mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.

Why do friendships end?Signs it's time to end a friendshipDo's and don'ts of ending friendshipsMoving forwardFAQ


July 28, 2023

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Friendships are a source of joy and community in our lives—when we're friends with the right people, that is. But once in a while, you might start realizing a friendship isn't serving you, and when that happens, it's important to know how to end it.

Here are some telltale signs it's time to end a friendship, plus the do's and don'ts of going about it, according to relationship experts.

Why do friendships end?

There are innumerable reasons a friendship might end or fizzle out, and those reasons aren't always personal. Of course, sometimes they are personal, but in either case, ending a friendship that isn't working out is still valid.

As psychotherapistAnnette Nuñez, Ph.D., LMFT, tells mindbodygreen, we all crave human connection, but when that connection doesn't feel reciprocated, for instance, you might want to end the friendship. A friend could also feel draining to be around or bring out the worst in you, and that would be another reason, she explains.

But then there are times when the issue is less black and white, such as when two friends start moving in different directions (literally or figuratively).

As licensed therapistDe-Andrea Blaylock-Solar, MSW, LCSW-S, CST, notes, ending a friendship doesn't have to be a dramatic, vindictive process, but rather two people sharing honestly about the impact the friendship has on them and how to move forward in a way that's healthy for both people.

That said, here are some more definitive signs a friendship isn't serving you and should end.

Signs it's time to end a friendship:

  1. They compete with you on various aspects in life and struggle to be happy for you.
  2. They engage in behavior that makes you feel unsafe or disrespected.
  3. They only call or ask to hang out when they need something (aka a "one-sided friend").
  4. You dread seeing their name pop up on your phone.
  5. You feel like they bring out the worst in you.
  6. They violate your boundaries.
  7. You find yourself making excuses to get out of hanging out with them.
  8. Your growth is negatively affected by the friendship.
  9. The conversations feel forced.
  10. You feel drained after hanging out with them.
  11. They are possessive, jealous, and controlling.
  12. You resent them.
  13. They emotionally dump on you all the time.
  14. They never ask or seem to care how you're doing.
  15. They guilt-trip you or use other manipulation tactics.
  16. They display narcissistic qualities.
  17. You can't get a word in around them.
  18. Their presence makes you feel physically ill.
  19. They take jabs at you in front of other people or sabotage you.
  20. They expect you to read their mind—and get upset when you can't.
  21. They don't accept you.
  22. You enable each other or engage in codependent dynamics.
  23. You don't have any common ground, interests, or hobbies.
  24. You've outgrown them.

9 do's and don'ts for ending friendships:


Do plan what you want to say.

Ending a friendship can be a heavy task, and those kinds of confrontations are rarely easy. As such, Blaylock-Solar recommends planning ahead what you'd like to say, even if that means coming up with a script beforehand or opting to write a letter instead.

"If you're not feeling comfortable with talking it out, maybe writing a letter, email, or text would be a good idea. But beyond that, even writing out your thoughts and your feelings before the conversation can help you have an idea of what you want to say," Blaylock-Solar tells mindbodygreen, adding, "And you can decide if you want to hit send or not."


Don't ghost them.

It can be tempting to take the easy way out and ghost your friend to avoid having a conversation altogether, but that wouldn't be the mature thing to do, according to Nuñez.

As she tells mindbodygreen, ignoring a person isn't going to get a good reaction or make you feel any better, and research actually shows that ghosting friends is associated with depressive symptoms. So try to avoid the urge to ghost, and be sure to extend compassion to your friend if you want the "breakup" to go smoothly, she advises.


Do open up the conversation.

Speaking of extending compassion, when you open up the conversation, remember that people react a lot better when you're open and honest with them about your feelings, as opposed to telling them all the things you can't stand about them.

As Nuñez explains, you can broach the conversation in a way that explains your stance without being mean, focusing on the fact that you're prioritizing your energy and growth and need space from the friendship.


Don't create unnecessary drama.

Just like romantic breakups, friendship breakups can come with drama, especially if the two of you have mutual friends. But according to Blaylock-Solar, your best bet is to mitigate as much drama as possible by keeping it between you and your friend.

"Of course, you may reach out to others for advice, but you're not rallying the troops to be on your side," she says, adding to avoid involving other people unless you have to and definitely not posting about it on social media.


Do set boundaries.

Breakups come with boundaries, whether that's telling your friend you don't want to be in contact anymore or telling them you can't be there to support them as you have in the past.

Of course, you can't control how this friend will react to your boundaries, but you can control your responses to your friend's reaction—and that looks like not backing down. As Nuñez explains, going back on your boundaries can exacerbate an already toxic dynamic that breeds resentment, and the onus is on you not to back down once a boundary has been set.


Don't feel guilty.

Speaking of not going back on boundaries, one of the main reasons people cave on their boundaries amid a friendship breakup is because of guilt. And as Nuñez says, you should never feel guilty for doing what's best for your well-being.

"It's really important that you're not taking on some of their negative feelings, or even feeling guilty, because oftentimes when people don't take it well, we feel guilty and then we cave," she explains, adding, "You have to come to terms with the fact that people won't always like your choices."


Do allow the friendship phase out.

As aforementioned, friendship breakups don't have to be a dramatic blowout, and oftentimes end up fizzling out on their own as contact becomes less and less frequent. For instance, Nuñez says, "Maybe your friendship turns into reaching out on the holidays, wishing them happy birthday, and you become acquaintances more than friends," adding that this is totally OK.

If you want to go this route, simply reaching out or hanging out less frequently can be a nonconfrontational way for them to get the message. Of course, depending on the friend, they might need a more direct conversation, so this process might involve some trial and error.


Don't focus on blaming them.

When you do have a conversation with your friend about ending the friendship, as aforementioned, you want to focus on your feelings and reasons for ending the friendship but in a way that doesn't provoke defensiveness.

As Blaylock-Solar explains, sticking with "I feel—" statements (i.e., I feel disrespected when you cancel our plans last minute helps you to explain your position without calling their character into question. Try to get specific, she adds, using actual emotions and naming a specific thing that happened between you two.


Do end the friendship immediately if it's causing significant distress.

There's a difference between a friendship that's not serving your growth and a friendship that's significantly and negatively impacting your quality of life. If a friend has been abusive in any way or is engaging in behaviors that make you feel unsafe or violated, don't hesitate to cut off contact immediately.

In these cases, a compassionate letter or setting boundaries isn't going to help, and you'd likely be better off walking away indefinitely.

Moving forward after the friendship ends

Friendship breakups can be just as difficult as romantic breakups, especially if you and this friend were close or have been friends a long time.

But according to Nuñez, good friends help you be a better person and bring out the best in you, so be sure to remind yourself of that if you start missing the companionship you found in this friend.

When you no longer have this person draining your time or energy, you'll have more space in your life to find friends who do bring out the best in you—and those are the friends you want, after all.

It could also be worthwhile to work with a mental health professional if the friendship breakup is causing you significant distress or you're struggling to find healthy friendships.


How do you know when it's time to end a friendship?

There are many reasons you might want to end a friendship, but in short, if a friend drains you or brings out the worst in you, it's probably not a healthy friendship.

Is it normal to end friendships?

Yes, it is perfectly normal (and healthy) to end a friendship that is no longer serving you and your growth.

What is the main cause of friendship ending?

While some friendships can end because of a falling out or personal differences, most friendships naturally phase out as people drift apart.

What is the nicest way to end a friendship?

The nicest way to end a friendship is to explain to your friend that while you have valued their place in your life, you no longer feel the friendship is a healthy or supportive connection for you.

The takeaway

It's never easy to realize a friend isn't being the friend you need them to be, and it's even more difficult to realize you have to walk away. But at the end of the day, friends are meant to support us, not drain us—and anything less isn't worth your well-being.

How To End That Toxic Friendship Once & For All, According To Experts (2024)


How To End That Toxic Friendship Once & For All, According To Experts? ›

Ending a toxic friendship is straightforward. The key is not to overthink it… don't make it complicated. It's not. ONE: The very best way to end these friendships is to directly tell the other person that you have given the matter some thought and you don't like X, Y, Z (some aspect of their interaction, behavior).

How to end a friendship with a toxic person? ›

Ending a toxic friendship is straightforward. The key is not to overthink it… don't make it complicated. It's not. ONE: The very best way to end these friendships is to directly tell the other person that you have given the matter some thought and you don't like X, Y, Z (some aspect of their interaction, behavior).

How do you permanently end a friendship? ›

You can be respectful while being honest and firm, Schmitt says. Tell your friend why you're stepping away, but pay attention to how you deliver the news. Be kind and mature, especially if your friend didn't see it coming and feels hurt or confused by your decision.

Can a toxic friendship be fixed? ›

Fixing a toxic friendship is possible, but it requires effort and willingness from both people involved. Both friends must acknowledge the issues within the friendship and be committed to making substantial changes.

How do you outsmart a toxic friend? ›

How to End a Toxic Friendship
  1. Prepare for the conversation. ...
  2. Talk to a trusted friend or professional. ...
  3. Write down everything you want to say. ...
  4. Be honest when you talk. ...
  5. Be clear about what you've decided. ...
  6. Set a boundary that limits your time and contact with them. ...
  7. Avoid engaging if they're failing to listen.
Sep 27, 2021

How to end a manipulative friendship? ›

6 Steps to Ending a Toxic Friendship
  1. Accept reality. ...
  2. Be clear with your intentions. ...
  3. Identify your role in the relationship. ...
  4. Choose a way to end it. ...
  5. Forgive. ...
  6. Give yourself time to grieve.

How to tell a friendship is over? ›

Signs that a friendship should end include no longer having much in common or feeling drained by seeing them. Other signs may include competitiveness, harsh judgment, and a lack of respect for boundaries.

How to cut off friends silently? ›

Cut off toxic friendships cold turkey.

No conversation needed. Stop taking calls and texts, unfollow them on Instagram and TikTok, and don't show up in places where you know they will be. If you're in danger, notify authorities (a boss, school officials, the police) immediately.

How do you get rid of a toxic friend who won't leave you alone? ›

  1. Stop giving them whatever keeps them around.
  2. Perhaps you laugh at their jokes. Stop it. ...
  3. Maybe you show interest in them, listen to their stories or provide a sounding board. Stop it. ...
  4. Don't do anything confrontational, rude or mean. Just bleed the friendship dry. ...
  5. Without oxygen, the relationship will die out. ...
  6. It works.
May 26, 2016

What happens when you ignore a toxic person? ›

Having a toxic person ignore your boundaries can not only lead to a breakdown of trust in your relationship but can also cause you not to trust others in your life. You may find yourself constantly on edge, wondering when they will violate your boundaries again.

How to cut off toxic friends without being rude? ›

Let the person know you don't want to see them again.

Say something like, “I don't want to see you again, so please don't try to contact me.” While it may seem a bit aggressive, being blunt in this situation is one of the most effective ways to establish boundaries and make sure the other person understands them.

What is the best way to end a toxic friendship? ›

Steps for Breaking Up With a Toxic Friend
  1. Confront them: It may be possible that your friend doesn't realize that they're being toxic. ...
  2. Stay away: Give yourself time to see how your life changes without the toxic friend around. ...
  3. Accept how you feel: Avoiding someone you cared for is not easy.
Aug 25, 2021

What are the signs of an unhealthy friendship? ›

Toxic friendship signs
  • They disrespect your boundaries. ...
  • They always need something from you. ...
  • They don't take accountability. ...
  • They may weaponize their struggles. ...
  • They make you feel guilty for spending time with other people. ...
  • They dismiss your values. ...
  • They ignore your efforts to be a good friend to them.
Oct 12, 2022

What are signs of a toxic friendship? ›

Toxic friendship signs
  • They disrespect your boundaries. ...
  • They always need something from you. ...
  • They don't take accountability. ...
  • They may weaponize their struggles. ...
  • They make you feel guilty for spending time with other people. ...
  • They dismiss your values. ...
  • They ignore your efforts to be a good friend to them.
Oct 12, 2022

How do you get a friend out of a toxic relationship? ›

What you can do
  1. Be a patient listener. ...
  2. Remind your friend that they deserve respect, honesty, and open communication.
  3. Help them to see that abuse is never okay, and that it's never their fault.
  4. Keep the focus on your friend and not on the other person in their relationship.

How to ghost a toxic friend? ›

In a nutshell, the best way to ghost someone is to cut off all contact with them. This includes in-person interactions, phone calls, text messages, email, social media connections, etc. Another critical part of the ghosting method is blocking someone from being able to contact you.

How do you let go of a friendship that ended badly? ›

Coping with a friendship breakup involves expressing your feelings, talking to someone you trust about what happened, finding new hobbies or activities to distract yourself, and giving yourself time to heal.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

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Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.